@echo OFF :MENU CLS echo. echo ------------------------------- echo press 1, 2, or 3 to select your echo option or 4 to exit echo ------------------------------- echo 1 - Display content of the folder c: echo 2 - Display content of the folder c:\windows echo 3 - Display content of the folder c:\windows\system32 echo 4 - Display parameters echo ------------------------------- echo. SET /P M=Type 1, 2, 3 or 4 then press enter IF %M%==1 GOTO FolderC IF %M%==2 GOTO FolderW IF %M%==3 GOTO FolderS IF %M%==4 GOTO Out echo error selecting option PAUSE GOTO MENU :FolderC dir c:\ PAUSE GOTO MENU :FolderW dir c:\windows PAUSE GOTO MENU :FolderS dir c:\windows\system32\*.dll PAUSE GOTO MENU :Out echo the values are %1 and %3 PAUSE GOTO MENU